Read here how to post costs and working hours in InLoox PM Web App. The system assigns the effort to the project plan automatically and stores a separate cost record.
If you want to record your personal actual hours, proceed as follows:
Open an existing project with an existing planning.
For more information on how to create a planning, see Create planning elements.
- In the project, on the Start tab, in the Sections group, click Time Tracking.
- On the Time Tracking page, in the Edit group, click New.
In the New Entry dialog box select one of following:
- General information on the time tracking entry on the Standard tab
- In the Date and Duration area select the Start date time and Duration.
- In the Allocation area select the Group or Activity / Milestone option from the planning, to which this entry belongs.
In the Description field enter a text, e.g. the location of the service, the team member name, the meeting results or internal remarks.
InLoox PM Web App provides you with different formatting features for the Description field text. For more information about these features see Create and change comments, in the Customize a comment section.
- More information on the time tracking entry on the Details tab
- In the Details area choose from the Flag drop-down list a colour to mark the item in the time tracking overview.
- Select the Is billable control box to bill this entry on the Budget page. The entries with this status are included in the actual revenues of the project budget.
- Adding documents on the Documents tab
- On this tab, click New to add a new document.
- Further information on the time tracking entry on the Custom tab
Click in the previously created custom field and enter a new value.
For more information on how to add a new custom field in InLoox PM Web App, see Create custom fields.
- An internal price per hour is in file for each group. For more information on how to customize the internal prices and the available groups, please see Generate and edit groups.
- Inform via email the project team members about e.g. project status. Click the Details tab and then email icon right to the Performed by field. For more information see Select project team members, in a Send an email message section.