Since the late 20th Century, two of the most noteworthy inventions that have changed our lives, have been the creation of the personal computer and the Internet. With the computer, and subsequently the laptop, tablet and smartphone, consumers have been able to easily access information online. Now people can use these modern technologies at home, work and everywhere else, the increased use of computers has also brought about an increase in computer crimes.
With consumers using computers and the Internet more frequently, criminals have taken the opportunity to gain access to this online information for illegal purposes. In order to protect themselves, computer users need to be concerned with keeping their passwords safe, watching that personal financial information is not given out, viruses are not accidentally downloaded and that they are not victims of online fraud. Because of potential dangers that center around computer usage, it is important that consumers keep up to date on their software and most importantly be alert to potential dangers.
To help computer users, we have put together the following information about possible computer dangers and what can be done to prevent being an unwitting victim. We hope this information is helpful to you and your family. Please feel free to pass along this information to others who can use it. And, most importantly, stay safe while using your computer.