Organize, sort, and group projects - e.g. by assigned responsibilities, deadlines, project type, priority, etc. You can save the created project list view and open it again as soon as you use the project list again.
Use the standard views provided by InLoox PM. These views help you to display data in a flexible way.
Die Beschreibung für die weitere Ansichten wie Zeitleiste, Projektanträge und Papierkorb finden Sie unter Baumstruktur-Ansichten in der Projektliste.
InLoox PM enables you to save personalized views. Please follow these steps:
This is how you can use a personalized view:
Proceed as follows in order to manage views:
In the Views group, click More Views.
In Outlook 2007, click Actual Views in the InLoox PM Toolbar.
In the Outlook Ribbon, on the Start tab, in the InLoox PM group, click Projects to open the project list. Now you can customize the project list view with the following possibilities.
In Outlook 2007, click InLoox PM Folder in the InLoox PM Toolbar to open the project list.