Create and edit a milestone

Usted está aquí: InLoox Soporte Documentación Centro de Ayuda Online InLoox Web App 7.0 All support topics for InLoox PM 7 Web App Planning features Adding planning elements to the project schedule Create and edit a milestone

By defining milestones, you can specify when and how important project results have to be achieved. Please follow these steps to define milestones in InLoox PM Web App:

  1. Open an existing project or create a new one.

    For more information on how to create a project, see Create a project.

  2. In the project, in the Start tab, in the Sections group, click Planning.
  3. Create a planning by adding planning items such as milestones. In the Planning page, in the Edit group, click New Milestone. Enter a name directly in the row.
    You can also add another planning element, e.g. an activity. For more information, see Create and edit an activity.
  4. To add more details to the milestone, click Edit in the Edit group or double-click on the selected milestone. In the Edit Milestone dialog box, you can use the following options to adjust the milestone:

    • General information on the milestone on the Standard tab
      1. In the Basic information section, in the Name box, type a name. In the Group box choose a group to which the milestone belongs.
        Each group has an internal price per hour. You can change this price/group or add a new one via the InLoox PM options. For more information see Generate and edit groups.
      2. In the Highlight area, select from the Flag drop-down list a color to mark the milestone in the planning list. You can also select the color to mark the milestone in the Gantt chart by clicking Color and choosing some from the drop-down list.
      3. In the Time frame area, define its completion date and dependency regarding other planning elements. Unlike an activity, a milestone has no duration.
        The current date will be set by default in the new project.
        1. Select Standard as a calendar or choose a user-defined working time calendar from the list in the Calendar box.

          For more information on how to set working times or create a new calendar, see Create a working time calendar.

        2. In the Constraint box, define the constraints for the dependency between planning elements. Choose between Start or End.
        3. The constraint As soon as possible is set up as default value for the Start and As late as possible for the End.
        4. Choose below, if you want to set your own date and the constraints. In the drop-down list choose between On, No earlier than, No later than.
          For more information about the dependency and constraints, see Create planning elements dependency.
      4. In the Status area select the done check box to display the processing status of the milestone.
    •  More information on the milestone on the Details tab
      1. In the Description field enter some important information on the milestone, e.g. the wished deliverables or internal remarks.
        • The information from the Description field will be sent via notification to the divided resources. See Display and process work package for more information about the InLoox PM notifications.
        • InLoox PM Web App provides you with the range of the formatting features. For the detailed description see Create and change comments in the Customize comments section.
      2. In the Summary activity box select a group or parent, to which the milestone belongs.
      3. In the WBS code box enter a work breakdown structure code for identifying activities and milestones in large projects.
      4. In the Location box enter a location.
    • Set dependencies between milestones / planning items on the Dependency tab
      1. Choose from the Available list one planning item and click >>.
        InLoox PM Web App creates the chronological interdependency between the milestone and the selected successor.
      2. The Selected list contains all successors of the planning elements currently being edited. To remove a successor click on the button <<.
        InLoox PM Web App deletes the chronological interdependency between the planning elements and the selected successor.
      3. Define the dependency between planning elements by choosing on the item in the Selected list.
        • Click Edit and choose between Start to start, Start to end, End to start, End to end in the Edit Dependency dialog box.
        • Set up a lag in the Lag area.
        • Activate the Negative control box to create a negative lag.
        For more information about the dependency and lag, see Create planning elements dependency.
    • Further information to the milestone on the Custom tab
      • Click in the previously created custom box and enter a new value for it.
        For more information on how to add a new custom field in InLoox PM Web App, see Create a custom field.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

See also

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