Project culture

Usted está aquí: InLoox Project management glossary Project culture

Werte, Standards, Einflussfaktoren, Organisation von Projekten in einem Unternehmen

Project culture is a decisive factor of the project management. All values, basic standards, settings, success and orientation patterns for the project stakeholders compose the culture. The aim is therefore the benefit development of the project compared with another project, the identification of the project participants and project organization. The project culture is often understood as an abstract set of the rules with the effect on self-organization in the project. The project culture is then capable, when all project participants agree about the project process. The project manager should take care of the regular meetings and relationship management. The project culture contributes therefore to the team spirit.

The project culture is also a behavior of the participants in the project organization and methods as well as communication forms. The components of the project culture are: project name; project logo; project slogan; project language; project-related documents (e.g. organization plans); project infrastructure and tools; meetings as well as video conferences; project-related events.

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